Pgpool-II might be an alternative to PgBouncer that we want to test and confirm working with Prisma:
Usulan Pemateri - Seminar IT Nasional
1. Onno W Purno
2. April Rustianto
3. Ziad Sobri
4. Ali Imran
5. Yusman
6. Sidiq Permana Putra
The first line of our policies page currently says
> Content added to this site must be related to academic research.
Should we make it say
> Content added to this site must be related to aca…
Seems like we should consider creating a Udemy course.
Paid/Unpaid ideas/notes:
- if we can't make the course a free course, we can set it as something small, like $5 and then in meetups/events wh…
Let's share what we think should be the focus for training. There are no bad ideas, so don't be shy :)
Let's start gathering content for our trainings.
Perhaps seminars can be included as a category for study manager
1. Section about the series, with link to our "channel" on WWS (https://www.world-wide.org/Neuro/Open-Source-Neuro/ ) and could maybe temporarily be featured on the landing page using the widget that…
2017년 동계방학 Lab Seminar - Database (관계대수)
- [2017동계-데이터베이스(관계대수).pptx](https://github.com/zzdhxm12/Seminar/files/3993699/2017.-.pptx)