Presently there is no direct way to get a list of ObservedProperties for a given FeatureofInterest. It is necessary to fetch all Observations for that FoI, then all the Datastreams for those Observati…
Data cleanup with the SensorThings API is currently very inconvenient. If you want to regularly delete all Observations older than 3 years, you have to first GET all those observations' ids, and then …
Most relations in the SensorThings API are one-to-many. In those cases you can remove a relation on the "many" side by changing it on the "one" side. For example, you can remove a Datastream from the …
De : Grellet Sylvain
Envoyé : mercredi 21 août 2024 16:29
À : [hydro.dwg@lists.opengeospatial.org](mailto:hydro.dwg@lists.opengeospatial.org); [timeseriesml.swg@lists.ogc.org](mailto:timeseriesml.sw…
As many STA installations only provide simple measurements and/or do not utilize HistoricalLocations, it could make usage easier by not presenting these to the user. This could be a configuration opti…
I was looking into writing some tests for nested expands when I noticed the following:
SensorThings API paragraph [ $expand](http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/15-078r6/15-078r6.html#47) refe…
From the email of Joan:
From the Citizen Science community there is some interest in using STA. We also have detected some extra needs in the STA data model.
In particular, we would like to prop…
Is there a goal to be compatible in the future with the OGC's [Semantic Sensor Network Ontology](https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-ssn/)?
For one of our projects we're using predictions, where each observation has a validTime interval. I just noticed the SensorThings API doesn't define any functions to query time intervals.
The most co…
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Zodat makkelijk terug te vinden is uit welke sensoren de gebruiker kan kiezen, zou het wat mij betreft super zijn wanneer deze te raadplegen is via https://kadaster-labs.git…