So, I've tried looking this up and there's little to no info on including sound bites with and object for GLB / GLTF. Being able to loop some MP3 snippet within an object would be handy .. especially …
paddlex 的预训练模式PPYOLO 为什么不是标准的model.yml __model__ __params__文件,而仅有一个pdparams
With the Help of Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Image Processing. We Build three software, which help to detect objects, and their distance from the Camera and Human skeleton. This technology can…
Right now we are displaying 6 mobility classes, but ideally would be better to just display the 6 most counted classes depending on the data recorded... I'm testing on my desk and would love to see so…
Runing the production build.
I edit the `docker-compose.yml` as follows ;
`- MASK_RCNN_FILE=/models/mask_rcnn_coco.h5`
` - MASK_RCNN_CLASSES=person,motorcycle`
then within the coco-annotator…
**Goal: Use faster-RCNN to detect mscoco classes in random objects off the web.**
I am running this code (slightly modified version of tools/demo.py) and I am not sure what I should change in which se…
I am trying to converts **yolov2** weights to tensorflow buffers using following command:
`./flow --model yolov2-tiny.cfg^C-load yolov2-tiny.weights --savepb`
Hello, sorry to bother you, I am running a nuclear data set with maskdino, but my problem now is insufficient memory, my bathsize is changed to 2, numworkers is changed to 0, and I started running, bu…
The verb "laze" is in PWN:
02417504-v slug, idle, stagnate, laze
(be idle; exist in a changeless situation; "The old man sat and stagnated on his porch"; "He slugged in bed all morning…