The SPICE vdagent from https://www.spice-space.org/download.html seems not to be part of any MSI or ISO image built. Neither seems the SPICE driver be part of the distribution, although I'm unclear w…
ljrk0 updated
3 months ago
This issue needs to be split. Can I have master issues? (or dependencies anyway). I just said "usb storage" to make this a little more specific, but we should support other common usage devices as wel…
Pion seemingly connects to OME https://github.com/AirenSoft/OvenMediaEngine
ome-to-pion-ome-1 | [2023-10-26 15:00:42.273] I [SPICE-t3478:19] ICE | ice_port.cpp:606 | Turn client h…
* Applet version/Build date (to be found in "About.." or in "metadata.json"): doesn't appear
* Cinnamon version (Cinnamon 3.8.9)
* Distribution - (Mint 19.0)
* Graphics hardware *and* …
Xen&qemu has supported the SPICE protocol for a while, so it would be nice to see this feature enabled in XCP
I have tried to redirect an USB device but I get the error:
spice-client-error-quark: Could not redirect USB device: could not claim interface 0 (configuration 1): LIBUSB_ERROR_ACCESS (0)
When I try to run a VM and click the "run" button, there is a few milisecond flash of a emulated VM window (it's like the VM were crashing at start before the BIOS). I attach the log file.
**Test on the latest [![remmina](https://snapcraft.io//remmina/badge.svg)](https://snapcraft.io/remmina) version before submitting a bug-report, and keep trying to reproduce it on any later versions**…
### OSISM release version
### What's the problem?
When opening a spice console to a nova instance we get errors with german layout keyboards. e.g. a number sign `#` returns a `no map for 163`…
### Hyprland Version
System/Version info
Hyprland, built from branch at commit v0.35.0 ().
Date: 2024-02-05
### Bug or Regression?
### Description
When Shift + F12 is p…