is it same to the MEF-SSIM-c in “Deep unsupervised learning based on color un-referenced loss functions for multi-exposure image fusion”?
I'd like to discuss if it wouldn't make sense to have a repo where we can put other neuroimaging techniques as well over time, instead of splitting them all up.
If we go with MRI we need to rename…
1) First list of suggested compounds from @kipUNC :
- [x] @TomkUCL will post. Not possible to triage the molecules further since they all met the design criteria. We could of course alter the dei…
At line 120 of genra/rax/skl/reg.py the code `neigh_dist_n = neigh_dist / neigh_dist.max()` will not work if neigh_dist.max() = 0. I produced the error by running code that asks GenraPredValueHybrid …
For example
(substructure search seems fine)
**Submitting author:** @dagghe (Dag)
**Repository:** https://github.com/dagghe/pyOMA2
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch): Joss
**Version:** 1.0.0
**Editor:** @faroit
**Reviewers:** Pen…
useful :
see also papers in mendeley
Hi dear developers,
We have generated an in-silico HRMS/MS database focused on our model organism. These compounds are structurally described in the literature but are absent in the spectra databa…