Line 4, Column 41
The current behaviour for hiding looks like the below:
![Alt text](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1461052/8272550/c1bec77a-183e-11e5-96f2-137177e6ca3e.gif)
The correct version should look…
When select other segment that has longer width, the selector move to that segment without changing the width. The view is not well-arranged if the tabs have different width.
- [ ] viewModel의 game에 직접 접근하는 대신 method 등으로 viewModel의 이점 살리기
- [x] 코딩키 다른 방법도 확인해보기 [참고](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/jsondecoder/keydecodingstrategy/convertfromsnakecase)
## Question
looking for better example hide and show animation of view inside stackView
If the stack view contains a UILabel with AdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth=true and MinimumScaleFactor=.5, and the text of the label is larger than the display area, it is scaled by iOS in both directions. B…
### Describe
- `Snapkit`으로 개발되어 있는 레이아웃을, `PinLayout + FlexLayout`으로 리팩토링
- 이후 개발되는 화면은 모두 `PinLayout + FlexLayout`으로 개발
### Existing
// TODO: [OMLK-17] PinLayout + FlexLayout으로 리…
So the issue is that `UIStackView` was not introduced until iOS 9 and iOS 9 flips all the native controls for right to left languages. So using `.Leading` and `.Trailing` is correct since it will resp…
have a problem: runtime: Layout Issues: Width and horizontal position are ambiguous for TZStackView.TZSpacerView.