Hi @coderschoolreview, thank you for review my assignment 1, I appreciate all your comments and improvement suggestions.
I have finished my assignment 2, this time I didn't manage to get the optional…
## 内容
## 目的
- UITableViewDelegate
- U…
When i invoke:
[self dismissPopupViewControllerWithanimationType:MJPopupViewAnimationFade];
From my popup, the popup dismiss, but the background ViewController still fade.
How can i fix it?
// MoviesViewController.swift
// babyFlicks
// Created by Samee Khan on 1/25/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Samee Khan. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import AFNetworking
class MoviesViewCo…
Is there anyway to prevent the keyboard from showing up? If I'm giving the user a list of options, the keyboard is likely not needed.
I've tried `textField.resignFirstResponder()` but that doesn't w…
It doesn't appear that I'm able to select, highlight, etc. the cell. Is this possible?
if I want to implement a didSelectRowAtIndexPath (to push a new View when a user selects a bubble) in UIBubbleTableView, how would you suggest to catch the event in ControllerView
# 1. MVC
# 1-1. Traditional MVC
- **`Model` - `View` - `Controller`**
- Model이 변경되면 Controller가 렌더링
- Model이 바뀌면 View는 직접 모델로부터 상태 정보를 받아온다.
- 세 개체가 모두 긴밀하게 연결되어 있고, 자신이 아닌 다른 두 객체에 대해 알고 있다.…
I feel like there is no fundamental difference between handlers and gestures, as well other callbacks we might want to have (like viewDidAppear or void delegate callbacks). Elm solves this using Html.…