Requesting Unity banners always fails.
When requesting AdSize.SmartBanner, the response is:
`Invalid ad size requested: 540x90_as`
When requesting AdSize.Banner, the response is:
`The banner a…
Is there a way to add dependencies for specific targets? Currently, I have multiple extensions (Apple Watch, Today Extension) which require some CocoaPods dependencies. Is there an existing or planned…
[X ] I've read and understood the [CONTRIBUTING guidelines and have done my best effort to follow](https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
# Report
## What did you do?…
### MAX Plugin Version
### Unity Version
### Device/Platform Info
### Current Behavior
External Dependency Manager Android Resolver cannot resolve if Facebook integrat…
@marchbold It is not resolved even with the latest release v7.0.1.
The situation remains the same, and it crashes when I run the sample project UnityAdsTests#init.
This always occurs on iOS15, but t…
We have ANR in google play console. With this stack:
Thread "UnityMain"
at com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.AdvertisingIdClient.zza (unavailable)
at com.google.android.…
How to display ads RevMob when the game starts?
### [REQUIRED] Please fill in the following fields:
* Unity editor version: 2022.3.14f1
* External Dependency Manager version: 1.2.177
* Source you installed EDM4U: its packaged with mu…
Can you use kivmob with pygame? You see I've managed to get Unity ads working with pyjnius - it works with my Kivy app but crashes with a black screen death on pygame.
### MAX SDK Version
### Device/Platform Info
Android (All platforms)
### Current Behavior
Upgrading Mediated Unity Ads package to version from the AppLovin integration ma…