I'm trying to commission a device (Tapo P125M mini). This is not on Home Assistant, but using the library in another project.
The process gets very far, with a lot of success messages, but then see…
I'm trying to share a paired Matter device with a second controller. Both are running the Python Matter Server.
Perhaps my assumptions about this process are wrong, so here is what I'm doing now:
I didn't use voco for a while. But yesterday I tried to call "snips" and got no answer. I tried an USB microphone also. The same behaviour.
When I change the configuration of voco, voco says "I am l…
I was installing the ESP-Home adapter, and got a 400 error. I tried opening the github download link to the esphome-adapter-0.2.2.tgz file manually, and noticed this error message.
Every time I start the Zigbee2MQTT adapter, I see these messages in the log:
2021-02-11 15:09:02.961 INFO : zigbee2mqtt-adapter: Ignoring https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WebThingsIO/gatewa…
- Streaming covers several protocols: RTSP, HLS, DASH, WebRTC, RTMP, etc...
- Streaming support (probably based on HLS/DASH) will also be included in Matter
- These do not cover all the same use cas…
Hi, can some1 help me please? I'm quite at a loss and I've read all the forum posts and FAQs on this and still it doesnt get better.
I'm running Raspian and trying to get zigbee2mqtt to work. Somehow…
I'm seeing this error and I'm not sure what's causing it:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/.webthings/addons/voco/main.py", line 15, in
from pkg.voco_adapter import V…
In https://discourse.mozilla.org/t/newbie-question-about-missing-addons/107097/5 it was reported that users of the WebThings Gateway 1.0 Raspberry Pi OS image are not seeing the date time adapter as a…
Tthis is not a feature-request, I am trying to implement it myself.
I know it is possible to use the web platform with some sort of bridge hardware to reach a network-enabled arduino devi…