This is fantastic work. Do you have any platform where I can donate to? You could enable GitHub sponsors, perhaps?
## Again! Loads of fun was had!!
It was great when we had finished the game to reminisce and laugh at our definitions.
## Feature request
End of game summary that displays the results of each round…
In computers with multiple keyboard languages installed,
is possible to change the default keyboard language in-game by pressing CTRL+SHIFT.
But in Alien Swarm doesn't display the language text only…
Hi there! I know this project is likely archived, but I was wondering if there's a chance of adding what fandom the work is from to the data displayed? Thanks for your hard work!
In some cases, there is no error handling for Sanuli game links.
This also shows if this issue is fixed in my fork.
# Letter Blanks
## User Story
As Someone who enjoys playing games
I want to create a word guessing game
So That I can compare my score with others who play my game
## Acceptance Criteria
Using the **html** method with HTML element RTL text will result in reversed text for example:
אב -> בא
This can be solved with function before cloning the element or option on the method.
At t…
# Losing
## User Story
As Someone who enjoys playing games
I want to create a word guessing game
So That I can compare my score with others who play my game
## Acceptance Criteria
Given That…
# Timer Reset
## User Story
As Someone who enjoys playing games
I want to create a word guessing game
So That I can compare my score with others who play my game
## Acceptance Criteria