What i see in character input is a little bit of a mess:
if ( Input.is_action_just_pressed("Space") and
coyote_jump_timer.is_stopped() and
!is_on_floor() and can_double_jump …
|GameID|GameState File|
|GameID|GameState File|
前几天还能正常使用 自由切换大图和原图输出地址下载 现在只能下载原图了 (点了大图选项输出地址还是原图的)
Chrome 版本 121.0.6167.185(正式版本) (64 位) 篡改猴 v5.0.1
有变动的操作: 修改了yandere的host (之前都用的魔法
不知道是不是和gelbooru冲突然后bug了 发现g站的瀑布贴下载列表是没有大图原图…
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; Names
春野 千佳=Chumi Haruno
大陽 雄司=Yuji Oyang
姫川 舞=Mai Himekawa
橋本 麗奈=Rena Hashimoto
結城 桜=Yuuki cherry tree
水瀬 亜依=Mizue Mizusi
; Birthdates
4月25日=April 25
10月18日=October 18
9月3日=September 3
Since there are a lot of image boards around but most of them share the same board software as others, it would be really nice if we could do something like `imageboard_downloader -s moebooru -i https…
do you think it might be possible to upload the actuall mod source for this?
so people can compile the exe so we could play this offline.
obviously you dont have to do this instantly, but I would hi…