In the JSON Playback API the "current" time does not get reset to 0 when the song changes, it shows the total play time for all songs. For example I am seeing:
"current": 1164696,
Mac 10.12.6
**Issue Descriptions:**
When GPMDP is running function key F4 does not work in other applications but can still be assigned as an OS global hotkey.
Most noticeable when u…
Hi there,
I'm experiencing an issue which seems a little similar to issue #150.
For comparison, playback in the macOS Spotify client is flawless, but playback in GPMDP has intermittent but very …
No particular action seems to have triggered this. I've had GPMDP open for several days and left it for the weekend. Arriving back after the weekend the warning was waiting for me, although it seems t…
Arch Linus 2017.10.01
Plasma 5.11.0
**Issue Descriptions:**
The player hangs after a song starts.
I suspect, it might be related to the fact that something is off with notifications: wh…
Fedora Linux 26
**Issue Descriptions:**
Same as some other Chromium/Skia-based applications the UI is very sluggish on Linux when the GPU acceleration is off and GPU is busy with somethin…
macOS Sierra 10.12.2
**Issue Descriptions:**
The high CPU due to the rendering of the Google Music page is well documented in these bugs, but I have a method in which every time I do it, …
hubez updated
7 years ago
OS: Windows 10 Pro x64
Issue Descriptions:
None of the the Desktop Settings save anymore. I change them and close the window and open it again and they are reverted. I don't see a button to manu…
Ubuntu Gnome 16.04, Gnome shell version 3.18.5
**Issue Descriptions:**
In my experience, on macOS, Ubuntu with the Unity desktop environment, and Windows, there is a persistent notificati…
Windows 10
**Issue Descriptions:**
When I open the app, I get a blank window with no buttons. I can change the desktop settings just fine, but the main app is a blank window. See attached…