[root@linux01 tmp]# git clone https://github.com/vel21ripn/nDPI.git
Cloning into 'nDPI'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1/1), done.
remote: Total…
k0ste updated
5 years ago
Based on this: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rethinkdb/Iax_-VPmUuQ, and also on https://github.com/Mainflux/mainflux/issues/55 and https://github.com/Mainflux/mainflux/issues/53 (Hydra uses …
Can you add an option to monitor IAX2 peers?
It would be a nice feature to read/parse the output of `iax2 show peers` command.
D, [2018-04-12T00:56:04.515033 #28232] DEBUG -- : Worker Manager is launching job 7
D, [2018-04-12T00:56:09.332549 #28249] DEBUG -- : Worker 7 dialer is running dialer with parameters {:range=>"34632…
I've searched over open and closed issues, and these are quite similar: https://github.com/mawww/kakoune/issues/998, https://github.com/mawww/kakoune/issues/1016. However I didn't find anything about …
Select colors for the logo, specifically a primary color. Apply it to the color version of the draft logo.
We're shooting for something that makes a bold statement. I've always personally been a fa…
* How can I read raw data from the IntelrealsenseD435 in python .not in ply file fromat .
I need in .xyz format
Found a cool search with duckduckgo, which is presenting a ton of commands to add.
Another list of some useful things can …
The Netfilter-2.2 branch is available for testing.
Known issues: Bittorrent detects significantly less traffic than netfilter-1.7
* **Distribution and version:** Ubuntu 18.04
* **Distribution environment:**
- [ ] Cinammon
- [x] Gnome
- [x] KDE
- [ ] LXDE
- [ ] MATE
- [x] XCFE
- [ ] Other. Name here:
### …