Does anything I need to set?
- [x] フード
- [x] ビールなど
- [x] 寿司(travis)
- [x] 日本酒(SFDC)
- [ ] ソフトドリンク
- [ ] 割り箸
- [ ] 紙皿(100枚くらい?)
- [ ] 紙コップ(ソフトドリンク用)(100個くらい?)
- [ ] 紙コップ(日本酒用)(100個くらい? 小さめ)
One LIR issued their ROA on rpki01.nic.ad.jp, but the validation
status in "routes" page is "unknown". (the page is saved an attached)
# print_roa /var/rcynic/data/authenticated/rpki01.nic.ad.jp//repo…
Hi guys, I was checking api documentation and i found that `ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON#as_json` doesn't work
like the examples listed in the documentation:
# The option include_root_in_json c…