# Quadcopter Flight Controller Project Intro - Michael Wrona's Blog
- [x] デモの認識プログラムだけを立ち上げるlaunchを作る
- [ ] 認識結果をrvizに表示する.bounding box,? 四角かなにかのマーカを表示する https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_recognition/blob/master/jsk_perception/euslisp/objectdetection-marker.l がつかえるかな…
The gps tends to vary alot even when moving in a straight line. It is not very accurate.
``` bash
roslaunch hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials gazebo_hrp2jsknt_no_controllers.launch
rtmlaunch hrpsys_gazebo_tutorials hrp2jsknt_bring_up.launch
``` lisp
roseus hrp2jsknt-interface.l
For this exercise the solution is given as:
def gen_data(x0, dx, count, noise_factor, accel=0.):
zs = []
for i in range(count):
zs.append(x0 + accel * (i**2) / 2 + d…
axlan updated
2 years ago
So, i am using a similar using a similar sensor system. I want to calculate the joint angle only, now i am using madgwick filter and getting quaternions from the both sensors. Now what method have you…
I am getting the wrong positions on iPhone 6 and it creates the wrong map for me.
I am just having an issue on "iPhone 6", it's working fine on other iOS devices.
This is my watchPosition function…
Integrating IMU linear acceleration data results in too much drift. The velocity from this method isn't useful and destabilizes the PIDs.
Hello, how can i aply this to more than one variable?
great work
I have already done the state estimation with linear Kalman filter... Now I want to do it with your Code (EKF) and publish the comparison...
but I need more description of how you ma…