type MyAwaited = T extends PromiseLike ? U : T;
declare function PromiseAll(values: readonly [...T]): Promise;
**Describe the bug**
Using the github repo and building Tagspaces on windows will open the application, but not fully functional. For example, thumbnail generation does not work. Trying the full appl…
// your answers
declare function PromiseAll (values: readonly [...T]): Promise
Hello there 👋🏽
First of all thanks for the library and your contribution to open source. I had a question regarding the `timeout` option. I could not find any documentation on this topic, however…
type MyAwaited = T extends Promise ? R : T
declare function PromiseAll (
values: readonly [...T]
): Promise
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 7307
Instead of using our JetPack's promise module:
.. Firebug should use:
`Promise\all()` currently takes an array. Since it only iterates through it, that is an unneeded extra array conversion if you are working with Iterators / Generators.
In your library, it is nice to see there is already a solution for the problem with promises for IndexedDB!
I would just suggest though that there are a few good reasons to support a couple of t…
// your answers
declare function PromiseAll(
values: readonly [...T]
): Promise<
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Promise ? R : T[K];
Different behaviour has been noted with the promise returned, when a callback is passed to the api function.
const instance = new Razorpay({
key_id: 'rzp_test_2mYdwI91aUdL2u',