Since pygment lexers are essentially just a set of regexes it might be feasible run the JavaScript and the HTML lexers over the same JSX code.
@brownhead where do we use pygments? I couldn't find an…
Over the last decade most terminals added support for ANSI-hyperlinks, which is a small extension of ANSI that allows inclusion of links by applications.
A good resource about this can be found htt…
I installed gmsh and lXML in the site packages folder in the root directory of freeCAD according to the tutorial and confirmed that they can be used. However, when I wanted to install GDML workbench i…
(Original issue 1504 created by dansimau on 2019-04-09T08:32:41.068432+00:00)
When running pygmentize with RTF output and a theme with a background color, I expect the RTF output to have the backgrou…
Originally reported in https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert/issues/1385
I noticed that some language tags for fenced code blocks are differentially highlighted in jupyterlab compared to the html ou…
Hi - I'm on Ubuntu 16.04LTS. My terminal output shows the install and runtime error:
$ sudo apt-get install mycli
[sudo] password for peter:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency …
very cool package! I'm trying to integrate it with [pyinspect](https://github.com/FedeClaudi/pyinspect) to complement `pyinspect`'s fancy tracebacks with your helpful messages, but I can't get…
While trying to convert a minimum jupyter notebook we got the following message.
$ /opt/python/3.9.14/bin/python3.9 -m nbconvert --execute --stdout --to=html /net/.../fs0/home/ias4ca/Untitled…
# Selection in dark colour schemes are hard to find
## Please consider changing the colour.
gruvbox (dark) (hard):
ghost updated
2 years ago
I installed qnexus on Linux today and received an error on `import qnexus`. Using an earlier version of pydantic solved the issue.