The theming documentation isn't very helpful for new users in customizing their color scheme.
The mission of the project "Mouse-free productivity with the perks of modern code editors. Open-source,…
I'm Shinwoo Hyun from Seoul National University.
In Uniform.r, if statement for GLUEFlag==2 doesn't have option for Flag=="G"
I think it should be changed as below
else if (GLUEFlag==2)
I found this and haven't yet had a chance to investigate closely:
And it looks like PM10 and PM2.5 are shared in physical concentrations on map that may or may not …
# Report a HEMCO bug or technical issue
## Describe the bug:
I want to zero out emissions over Seoul, South Korea. I applied the following scale factor to the mask I made for Seoul per the below ex…
This is the case for DMCA'd maps, for example [376361](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/376361#osu/823961).
Make sure the audio file is in the mapset folder or try moving the osr2mp4 fo…
The past couple days I noticed Open Meteo said the sky was clear, but it was clearly overcast IRL (no patches of blue sky were visible).
I just noticed it's been raining for the past few hours, but…
> install.packages("git2r")
Installing package into ‘/Users/xxx/Library/R/3.2/library’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
trying URL 'http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/CRAN/src/contrib/git2r_0.15.0.tar.…
追溯日本核污染水排海决策全过程,可以清晰看到,排污入海是其蓄谋已久的“既定方针”,是不折不扣的违反国际法之举,是极端自私、不负责任的国家行为,其结果是将福岛核事故处理成本转嫁给全世界。 8月22日,日本民众在东京首相官邸前紧急集会,抗议政府无视民意启动核污染水排海。
### Description
I logged into the `container registry` successfully.
And pushed the image.
Some layers are pushed and I get an authentication error.
I checked the `gitea` web UI and saw that the p…
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