**Kibana version:**
Here we are gathering enhancements of the client side validation which means things that ES is marking as errors but we allow them. The impact is low because the users will get th…
See http://groups.google.com/group/project-
voldemort/browse_thread/thread/48ec66f33642552d/6772c51140b43a19 for a brief
discussion on this.
For our usage having statistics be sliding window bas…
I have been using this integration for quite a while and loving it.
Just reporting that I am not able to find the Humidity and Temperature entities related to this integration when trying t…
Here is the new menu structure:
Issues (bugs)
Sizzle (time tracking)
Bug bounties
Trademark search
Bid on Issues
Tomato (Funding)
BACON (Coin)
Daily Activity
## Expected Behavior
The modem is detected via lsusb and serial ports are created (ttyUSB0-3) and it should be possible to connect via MBIM protocol and ModemManager. The modem is in USB mode (normal…
Many users don't like being tracked by third parties like Google Analytics or Segment. If we self-host analytics with something like [Ackee][1], we can still measure things without needing to involve …
what do you think about displaying the number of completed pomodoros?
Find out how many people are using the various search options on FC1 e.g. can we use analytics to record what options are being selected or will this need to be done in the backend?
E0 U3 S7 C5:P15
Needed credentials:
- Recaptcha
- Mail service (https://www.mailersend.com/pricing looks decent)
# Features
- [x] General
- [x] Page titles
- [x] Favicon
- [x] Header metadata/t…
Overview of tasks to create MQL panel for Django Debug Toolbar
# Package requirements
- Include our MQL panel here or in separate repo e.g. `django-mongodb-debug-toolbar` ?
- If we include …