Hello! I am interested in finding a definition file for firmata.js (or in helping to generate one). The way I'm giving myself typescript support for firmata.js right now is _INCREDIBLY HACKY_. In fact…
When toolhead and gear stepper is asked to move synchronously, the short move acceleratio…
I am at a loss here. I have installed these drivers/kits on my x and y axis, and on both axes when holding position they emit a loud whine. When moving it becomes more of a screech. I have tried loose…
Using an m8p with cb1, connected to USB power the wifi connects and stays connected. When connected to PSU power wifi will see the networks but never connect. Ethernet when connected to PSU will drop …
I'm using a PS4 controller connected via bluetooth to control a stepper motor.
I want to use setLed to indicate when a particular operation is happening, e.g. turn stepper motor 180 deg …
OctoPrint Version: 1.4.2
PrintTimeGenius Version (if you know): 2.2.6
What did you try:
Print the provided gcode file, sliced from Cura 4.8
What happened: The remaining time is 8 hours +
Having followed the given instructions, My First attempt to load the project produces a dialog box with the following message
The project 'mksRobinNano' contains the unknown tool 'CMSISDAP_ID'.
Hi, how do I go about using the A axis as my second motor on a dual motor gantry setup on the X axis? I'd like to be able to home the two motors independently in order to square the gantry automatical…
### Wiki Search Terms
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I uploaded everything I need onto the ESP and its working all fine. Uploaded the 6_pack_2130_XYZABC.yaml and that is also now loaded. Still when trying to get 1 m…