# Airport Name
Hami Airport
# Country?
# Improvements that need to be made?
Redo/New Airport
# Are you working on this airport?
# Airport Priority? (10000ft+ Runway, Low)
Whilst we don't technically _need_ to limit the username length, if we don't people will abuse it.
**Quick questions**
HOI4 version: 1.10.8
Kaiserreich version: 0.18.1
List any other mods used: None
**Explanation of the issue:**
Here are typos I have noticed in my playthrough(s) of Xinjian…
Americans are shit,The United States is everywhere invading other countries and subverting other countries’ regimes. The US government and the consortium behind it are the Nazis.
The current data in the `time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv` include 8 countries with Region/Province level data:
- Australia
- Canada
- China
- Denmark
- France
- Netherlands
- New Zeala…
**Quick questions**
Kaiserreich version: master pulled 24.11.2021
**Explanation of the issue:**
Errors from error.log file