Compiling for iOS fails with **'Indy/Indy.h' file not found**. I have faced the same problem with using rn-indy-sdk separately. I have also tried building my own Indy.framework with swift 5 and replac…
When i call indy_prover_create_proof via ARIES framework .net that call indy SDK .net that call libindy.dll (Windows 10), i get InvalidStructureException : A value being processed is not valid. The SD…
ACA-Py requires the `comment` property for at least the `propose-credential` and `offer-credential` messages (maybe also other messages / protocols?). However this is not required per the RFC.
As seen in the didComm example: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/blob/master/features/0067-didcomm-diddoc-conventions/README.md#service-conventions
`recipientKeys` are shown as verificatio…
Breaking changes were pushed to aries framework go as part of https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-go/pull/2238.
The edge-adapter need to fix the breaking changes while upgrading.
I have no experience with `go` so maybe it is something obvious
**What I'm trying to do**
I am trying to build mobile library as described here: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framew…
**[Mathieu De Zutter](https://ops4j1.jira.com/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?accountId=557058:dc1aa596-5c95-4642-b179-42f6a39a6a3f)** created **[PAXJDBC-85](https://ops4j1.jira.com/browse/PAXJDBC-85)**
## Key Server
- [x] Redesign functionality for creating local KMS instance (#60)
- [x] Update SecretLock service for the KMS instance
- [x] Move `KMSCreator` logic into its own package
Presentation-Exchange has a large surface area - we should agree on the subset we want to support for AIP 2.0.
My notes on this so far - to be discussed and add/remove from list:
* constraints.s…
### Failing things first:
The 1)2)3).... list in the demo, that does not work in multitennancy? It stops the whole process when I try to use them.
### General multitennacny questions
Webhooks u…