There are surely better ways to find the local minimum of a non-convex multidimensional function.
# Lines of code
# Vulnerability…
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues
### Problem description
This video shows the problem: https://youtu.be/HIVWPF8ieMI?si=5CyqED_qnVx6HK0T&t=1479
## Overall
There are 3 Non-critical issues and 3 Low severity issues found.
## [L1] `USDMPegRecovery.sol` implementation is not spec compliant
Per to README:
在视频“斯坦福 凸优化 (Stanford EE364, Convex Optimization)【英】”中,我已使用Whisper large-v3转写字幕,相较于原本的YouTube字幕正确率可能高一点,希望可以分…
## What just happened?
Non-analyzed mesh objects that have a physics shape type of Prim revert to Convex Hull if they are moved using llSetKeyframedMotion().
Right-clicking the object and pressin…
Wondering if either yourself or @zalo have heard the [MuJoCo 3.0](https://github.com/google-deepmind/mujoco/discussions/1101) news? Pretty incredible new features (quoted from the release notes):
Train a basic non-convex variational autoencoder. Once it is trained, remove the basic decoder, keep the encoder, and retrain the decoder using a vNN
# QA
I. Declared variables are already their defaults, no need to assign.
- Have a 1m x 1m x 1m box located at
- defined using fcl::boxd type
- Convex hull of meshed sphere [sphere128.stl.txt](https://github.com/flexible-collision-library/fcl/files/2251842/sp…