Implement the portion of the script dealing with finding, rescuing, healing, and recruiting Elaine. Consists of several scenes and one battle. Details in the script.
This will require her to be a n…
### PUSH THE CHANGE TO THE `mvp branch only`
We need to implement a feature that requires users to complete their profile after logging in. This will enhance the user experience and ensure that all n…
This is just a typo,
instead of `self.location = message.data.get("location")` it has to be
US2: User can upload employees and skills in .csv
@LoneRifle need to think about the user flow, because replacing employees will disrupt existing rosters (incl. those that have been published) due…
# BIDS-ifying the hMRI toolbox
## Project Description
The [hMRI toolbox](http://hmri.info) allows you to generate quantitative MRI data from a series of "raw" multi-echo structural images and fi…
What is the skill doing?
Alexa Skill takes in a set of inputs from the user and returns a name of a celebrity which resembles the most with the given inputs.
Where are we getting the data from?
### Repository commit
### Python version (python --version)
Python 3.10.7
### Dependencies version (pip freeze)
alabaster @ file:///home/ktietz/src/ci/ala…
### Category
### Platforms
Platform : Xero
### Objects:
- [ ] Accounting (GET / POST)
- [ ] Accounting Attachments (GET / POST)
- [ ] Address (GET)
- [ ] Balance Sheets (GET)
Considering what has been said I think it's a good idea to start some basic team creation based on skills and wishes of participants. I see three basic directions:
- **Data Engineers** team - ETL: …