SonarQube 6.7
Sonar Gitlab plugin 2.1.0
**Build step**
- git checkout -f origin/develop
- git merge $CI_COMMIT_SHA --no-commit --no-ff
- ./gradlew --no-daemon sonar…
# 定义函数
def fact(n)
if n == 0
n * fact(n-1)
# 类
class Person
@@number_of_persons=0 # 类成员变量,以@@开头
def initialize(id, name, …
ssnau updated
10 months ago
Every time I click glass with a linked photon link my server crashes.
Currently Clojure compile and test compile tasks don't support incremental compilation.
We run builds in separated steps (e.g. `gradle -x check build` followed by `gradle check` in the same directo…
## Expected Behavior
It should say nothing after the Import-Module and show the icon normally when I do ls.
## Current Behavior
Getting Error Saying
Import-PowerShellDataFile: Cannot genera…
### What is your github handle ?
### What is your gitlab handle ?
### Which city do you live in ?
### What type of developer are you ?
- [ ] Frontend Developer
- …
### Terraform Version
$ terraform version
Terraform v1.9.7
on linux_amd64
### Terraform Configuration Files
* File: `root/github-lab/provider.tf`
### Issue Checklist
- [X] I confirm that this issue is not a duplicate and hasn't been reported before.
- [X] I agree to follow the project's code of conduct.
- [X] I have checked and verified that I…
$ draft version
&version.Version{SemVer:"v0.14.1", GitCommit:"fdc29c553a45600ac4f795f3485d4bb9a80c7862", GitTreeState:"clean"}
$ ls gradle*
gradle.properties gradlew gradlew.bat
I am using spotbugs gradle plugin version 6.0.0-beta.3 with Spotbugs 4.7.3, Gradle 8.4-rc-2 and Java 21.
Trying to recompile an old project give some problems. It seems that the `effort` and `repor…