(I'll update this as I go along)
[Proof of completion](https://github.com/spamegg1/ScalaCapstone/blob/master/spec.png) (you have to scroll sideways a bit)
Originally written: Tuesday, June 9, 20…
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I am not sure where the problem is but I am seeing very high CPU usage since I started using v1.0.0. With three small clusters load average skyrockets to the 10s quite quickly making the nodes unusabl…
Hello I am Windows user. Trying to use this app.
When I am trying to run the .exe file both privileged and non-privileged. Tried the .bat file & the powershell script without even knowing what it i…
Racket newcomers are immediately confronted with four equality operators:
- `equal?`, which does what you'd expect most of the time
- `=`, which does what you'd expect if you're used to IEEE numbe…
貼吧活動:(請查閱 [SARS-CoV-2 Timeline by 2020.02.21](https://github.com/agorahub/_meta/blob/agoran/theagora/sari/Memorandum_2020-02-21_SARS-CoV-2-Timeline_Nathan.pdf?raw=true), by Nathan :cloud: )
- Colla…
After upgrading to EFC8, we've run into several severe performance regressions where millisecond queries started timeouting.
This is due to EFC8 now generating
DECLARE @__p_1 int = 0
It seems that EMHASS is not accounting for my inverter having to supply the load and feed-in. Hence my 10kW inverter is currently outputting about 10kW but only 6kW is making it to the grid while EMHA…
I've been thinking about a plugin to compute forces with [xtb](https://github.com/grimme-lab/xtb). This would be useful both for the GFN-FF force field and for the GFN2-xTB semiempirical method. It …
## 🐛 Bug
It seems that `torch.lobpcg` (https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/torch.html?highlight=lobpcg#torch.lobpcg) just always breaks when trying to take gradients via `backward`.
## To Reproduce