Hi, I have read numerous writeups and suggestions to how to get lm-sensors to recognize the fan in my Lenovo Thinkpad L540 model 20aua0f4jp serial R902K1R2 but always end up with fan1 is 0 rpm.
ESP питается от 2.5 до 3.6В.
Attiny85 питается от 1.6 до 5.5В
- требуется преобразователь
- требуется зарядка
Батарейки АА 2 шт:
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- емкость
Батарейки АА 3 шт:
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Has anyone succeded to run avr_debug on Mac?
I'm using VS Code for Mac with Arduino extension and now I want to be able to debug my program but there are a lot of obstacles in configuring the launch…
The GB circuit is down, connect the back-end panel so we can parse the CSS port!
### Describe the bug
Running `scripts/remote-gdb` has been failing for me at least since the times of `21.02` and continues through to `23.05.0-rc2`.
Choose target:
1) arm-openwrt-linux-mu…
@morrownr I really appreciate the info you have compiled here.
I've been using the RT5370 for a mesh project, but it does not seem to support mesh point anymore in Kernel 5.15.68. I'm building my o…
i am really interested in your project thanks
- LED/receiver range -- well lit, darkness
- Accuracy required for hit
- 3D-printed diffuser effectiveness
- Laser brightness for smoke gen
- Simple play-testing
- Prot…