**Describe the bug**
Hey, I'm trying to have a config, where some values are in an escaped interpolation, but in a multiline-string. I think this is a really specific use case, but I think that this …
I'm planning on putting these into the library, so this is just a "heads up".
The repo is [here](https://github.com/squinkylabs/SqHarmony), it's structure pretty much like the Squinky Labs repo is.…
The documentation recommends `permutedims` to get a material transpose. There is an efficient function, but it is not called:
julia> size(S)
(20, 10)
julia> typeof(S)
Some of our servers have high storage capacity to network bandwidth ratio. When such server is online LizardFS may feel slower because apparently more requests queued to server with slow link and many…
Run the container per guideline:
robbie@S001:~$ sudo docker run --volume=/:/rootfs:ro --volume=/var/run:/var/run:rw --volume=/sys:/sys:ro --volume=/var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/do…
Hey Tony - thanks for all the work on this! For whatever reason, it's more attractive to me than the commercial options...
I've been tinkering with the STLs for a week or so - turns out the 4x10 sh…
For some reason I was reading our `ENV` code, and I noticed we don't have a lock around our calls to `getenv` and `setenv` on linux, or for iterating the environment via the `environ` variable.
I would like to consult the trifecta of graphite wisdom @jjneely @deniszh @grobian regarding some general questions.
First, I would like to understand how to align the carbon-c-relay hashring with …
If you set the client settings `hud_scaling` and `gui_scaling` to values other than 1, the statbar and image HUD elements which you can add with `player:hud_add` are not scaled at all.
This makes t…
This was supposedly fixed in 2019.
But with absolutely nothing configured or installed, no bundles selected, here's what the live installation CD does.