The code is elegant and concise, but the training performance on coco val2014 is poor. The mAP is only 0.00912 after 24 epochs when I train the model from scratch.
hi, i trian the model for 3000 ite, only to find the EVALU result to be zero. During the training time, there is no error, expcet a waring saying that
Category ids in annotations are not in [1, #cat…
Dear all,
1. I tried to install Pose2Sim Version 0.10 on Google Colab.
Installation of conda is a little different:
hi, thank you developed this great toolkit and open source.but i have some problem and cant solve by myself.
i run train.py in examples/conforme.After 20 epoches, loss reduce to 6.92。 but i get non…
How much GPU memory do we need to train the model@Yaoyi-Li
It's that time once again, time for the horror that is _continued feedback._ This time for version 1.8.0. This is quite a hefty list since there's a lot to cover here, so settle in for the long haul.
Before Pruning: MACs=1.009904 G, #Params=0.007226 G
After Pruning: MACs=0.379899 G, #Params=0.002635 G
image 1/128 D:\Torch-Pruning-master\data\coco128\images\train2017\000000000009.jpg: 480x640 (no…
## 🐛 Bug Report
This isn't mentioned anywhere in the docs, so I'm not entirely sure how this is supposed to work. But I have a monorepo (yarn workspaces) and I want some packages to have ex…
I am using AlexyAB implementation of darknet. I am trying to run gen_anchors gives exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gen_anchors.py", line 165, in
How did you preprocess the Human3.6M dataset? I would like to replicate npy and pkl files that you provide. Do you have a code of these? Thanks in advance!