### Related problem
I am trying to use Plain authentication for my Kafka clients as documented [here](https://strimzi.io/docs/operators/latest/configuring.html#type-KafkaClientAut…
### Context
This is part of an exploration to create an `EntraID Automator Charm`, similarly to the GitHub Profiles Automator charm #1142
In this case the source of truth, regarding Profiles and …
A user requested we scrape the aisle number for products from Walmart:
### Description
When WooPayments is _first_ enabled, we will provide an e2e test-drive onboarding flow.
### Acceptance criteria
* If WooPayments hasn't been set up before on the store, when t…
We need to know when they pressed "agree" and what the URL of the license at that time was.
Can probably be stored in metadata. Or some kind of audit log model.
The app has two function regrading export to an external file `checkout` and `export`
but only one user story is given.
![Screenshot 2023-04-14 152151.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yufannn…
A component that lets the app user search for people. The search requires NIN and surname - [utilizing the Altinn.Api endpoint which integrates with Folkeregisteret.
Make an Ebrains drive connector to store user-specific data.
Implement user database for username and passwords, impement a library database that will store the users files and preferences.
Acceptance Criteria: I should be able to register by creating a userna…
**Feature Request: Adding Synchronization and Locks via AspectJ**
Introduce an additional module in the store that provides a synchronization mechanism similar to the one used i…