Migrated from [rt.perl.org#132142](https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl5/Ticket/Display.html?id=132142) (status was 'open')
Searchable as RT132142$
p5pRT updated
4 years ago
After #27 , we need to discuss whether or not we want to support Bi-directional XMLJSON Conversion (custom or off the shelf)
So, there was a useful post by @Jaykul on #17 that got lost amid some debates that were not relevant to that specific discussion. This just came up again for me while watching a live demonstration wh…
When playing an MP game with multiple human sides, such as Auction X:
- A player surrenders
- The host is given control of the side
- The host droids the side via the `:droid on` command
At thi…
i've noticed a sudden influx of ideas, and just to clean things up, please comment them here.
Hi expo team, I did update SDK yesterday. (35 to 36). Android build does not work on android x versions. The application gives error after splash screen. "Application keep stopping". and no error. I'm…
The Entire Bee Movie Script
Bee Movie Script - Dialogue Transcript
According to all known laws
of aviation,
there is no way a bee
should be able to fly.
Its wings are too small to get…
ghost updated
4 years ago
**tl;dr:** commit c5443da2 makes scrolling in `less` unbearably slow on large screens.
- Platform: macOS (`uname -sp`: `Darwin i386`)
- `$TERM` inside: `tmux-256color`, outside: `xterm-256color`
The documentation for the programmatic API, https://picocli.info/picocli-3.0-programmatic-api.html, shows coding using AbstractParseResultHandler. However the apidocs state that AbstractParseResultHan…
Upon starting the game with default settings I get the following error:
2018-10-06 21:19:52,989 - tuxemon.core.components.locale - ERROR - Key 'npc_red_name' does not exist in 'en_US' locale fil…