## Vezérlés és műszerfal (HMI - human machine interface)
* Input:
* a billentyűzet
* az Ego objektum mozgásállapota, hozzá kapcsolódó adatok
* Output:
* PRND váltó(fel-le), gáz és f…
The slowest thing in the simulation is the construction of the quadtree every frame.
It may be faster to construct a linear quadtree using Z-Ordering rather than using the pointer quadtree approach.…
Placeholder to track fixing this.
A modul felelőssége a radar szenzorra épülő [automata vészfékező rendszer](https://szfmv2020-osz.github.io/handout/functions.html#autonóm-vészfékező-rendszer-automatic-emergency-brake---aeb) megvalósí…
When running `python3.8 Trace2Mode/learn_model.py --dfa --incr -t ./models -i traces/trace_events.txt`, a buggy model was generated.
(!(8 > rt_input.msg_length) and…
This is an ongoing list of updates to make to the data.
I used -s option to debug and it seems that the computation are all fine until it reaches 99% then it stucks there and eats all the memory. I even tried using 128GB memory, but the same bug persists.
Hi, thanks for sharing this crate!
it is possible to support Windows... 😄
C:\Users\diniremix\dev>cargo install cargo-unfmt --locked
Updating crates.io index
Installing car…
**What is missing?**
The Thanos sidecar section of the `Promethues` CRD is too restricted. It makes deployments which don't exactly align with what was envisioned almost impossible without implemen…