Need to connect our GitHub repository to Google Cloud Platform to enable continuous integration process while we develop/test/deploy
To be done (in 2017? -> yes) when it's safe to assume everyone has a decent C++14 compiler.
This implies:
- [x] Deprecate support for Ubuntu precise (and also trusty but only in PPA, for the nex…
In the Elixir ecosystem, Phoenix is an OTP app, and you can build your application as an umbrella project and then import it into Phoenix.
This talk goes into greater detail.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Main where
import Data.List(intercalate)
import Data.Maybe(fromJust)
import GHC.Generics(Generic)
import Data.Aeson(FromJSON, decode)
Hi, I'm using GHC 8.0.2 on Windows 10 15063.13.
I ran ``cabal install`` with PowerShell, and Cabal complains that
Warning: cannot determine version of D:\haskell\ghc\mingw\bin\gcc.exe :
w1ndy updated
7 years ago
Right now we're only handling get methods, while we should support all the http verbs.
As far as I see there is no new ligatures
wende updated
7 years ago
When I try to install the package through cabal I get the following:
Butterfly:~ tsamsonov$ cabal install pandoc-crossref
Resolving dependencies...
internal error: could not construct a valid …
This package needs some love by adding instances to the `Serialise` class, which is currently somewhat lackluster. Adding a billion instances is what I like to call "Instance Bonanza", as it goes on f…
`persistent-mysql` uses [mysql](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mysql) (via [mysql-simple](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mysql-simple)) as the database driver. `mysql` is a haskell FFI wrapp…