I'm using eglot-20200102.1844, emacs-26.3, flycheck-20191126.2142, flymake-1.0.8, flymake-proc-0.3. I enable eglot for haskell files with this configuration:
(use-package eglot
greetings, I want to write typescript with tide server with this configure into `lisp/init-javascript.el`.
I am using GNU Emacs 28.0.50, and the latest commit 5f8d28a
(defun setup-tide-mo…
>>> print("Hello world.")
...: print("Hello world.")
import codecs, os, ast;__pyfile = codecs.open('''/var/folders/1w/1_qh215x5w96k1d_q8pmhdph0000gn/T/py1085C0T''',
Hi @aadcg! Thank you for this package. You would benefit in your dev work by using a linter for Emacs packaging conventions.
This is a possible way to go, depending on whether you use those front-…
## Expected behavior
When calling helm-M-x with `M-x` and typing a command, I expect matching commands to be listed and the best match to be highlighted, even if that command is not in the Emacs Comm…
There is currently no binding for Tex-error-overview and related commands like
TeX-error-overview-menu, TeX-error-overview-next-error and TeX-error-overview-previous-error. They can be added under SP…
[Flymake-shellcheck in elpa requires Emacs 26.](https://github.com/federicotdn/flymake-shellcheck) Is there a work-around for Emacs 25?
I am using the function ido-imenu
(defun ido-imenu ()
"Update the imenu index and then use ido to select a symbol to navigate to.
Symbols matching the text at point are put first in the completion …
Today it occurred to me that, in default configuration, lsp-mode does not indicate the presence of code action (usually signified with an 💡 icon in IDE):
How to reproduce: Open a new .js file, and type something, wait for ls to process completion list and sideline starts flashes with the information. My guess is that it gets reloaded constantly.