Dear Marius,
We, in Andreas Tolias Lab at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston Texas, are planning to do close to 2 hours worth of recordings using neuropixels in mouse. Based on some calculations…
I am a beginner in using this, and I have no prior knowledge in this field. Currently, I just installed Spike Interface into Anaconda, and I want to move into testing and getting familiar with the int…
Hi! I am working with spikeGLX data and using the 'spike_times.py' and 'spike_clusters.py' outputs from kilosort 2.5 to convert into spiketrains list for downstream analysis in Elephant package. Howev…
### What happened?
We used the [recommended script](https://neuroconv.readthedocs.io/en/main/conversion_examples_gallery/recording/intan.html) to convert Intan ephys data to NWB file. As part of the …
Hi, I hope you are doing well.
I have been working with Spikeinterface for some time and I am noticing some weird signals coming from my data with neuropixels and preprocessed with your tools (see…
When trying to load a .h5 file exported with MCS DataManager, I get the "error loading file" status in the top right corner. The sample .hf file works as it should. There is no pop-up window showing l…
I'm new to Kilosort. I'm using KS3, recording from 32 channels linear stereotrodes (50um between contacts), with open pehys. I have a hard time calibrating KS in order to have decent results whi…
The results from the construction of trimmed way-sections and intersection polygons have to be adapted for the use with objects based on geometry nodes. Let's discuss here the details of this task.
Is there a built-in function to extract spike timepoints for each unit? I am looking to get spike timepoints to find units that fire at the same timepoints or have correlated firing of some sort.
I am doing chronic recordings with Neuropixel probes in rats. I am using Kilosort3 for spike sorting and I get a lot of varying outputs. I sorted one data set and ended up with 412 good units …