Firstly, thanks for your excellent work.
Recently, I plan to apply ElegantRL in my research work, and I'm trying to accelerate training and sampling process with SubprocVecEnv in Stable Baselines 3. …
Hi, from [this issue](https://github.com/openai/baselines/issues/538#issuecomment-417522993), it says `VecNormalize`'s `gamma` should match the `gamma` of RL algorithm (e.g., `gamma`=0.99 should be co…
Please am having this error while trying to plot the result. How do I solve it? Thanks
python -m baselines.her.experiment.plot /tmp/openai-2018-12-19-12-21-56-179878/policy_995.pkl
Reproducing your paper, I have a question on experiments for self-supervised PITS.
For self-supervised PITS, did you use the equal input sequence length for time series forecasting experiment in Ta…
- [DeelRL](https://github.com/ShangtongZhang/DeepRL/blob/master/deep_rl/utils/plot.py)
- [baselines](https://github.com/openai/baselines/blob/master/baselines/results_plotter.py) この2つが似てる
When I use your update_baseline script, after it sets the baseline, it remains "locked" and stops changing. Is this expected behavior? Shouldn't the baselines continue updating?
# Description #
This epic is a larger feature to continue evolving the ScubaGear AAD conditional access policy evaluation logic. The work is improve the AAD secure configuration baselines by enhancin…
In an earlier post, someone wanted the feature for subdivisions. I would like to propose something similar.
When I design with PS, I use almost always a baseline overlay — using a pattern. For exampl…
Hi! Awesome paper and performance are really a game changer compared to previous baselines. I am about to start adding it to our deep learning framework for point clouds here: [torch-points3d](https:/…
In today's reading group we've decided to focus next week's session on going through all the papers we've read so far for this project and plan the relevant experiments to count as baselines.