## Version **10.5.0** of **@types/node** was just published.
Build failing 🚨
## Version **10.5.2** of **@types/node** was just published.
Build failing 🚨
.option('text', {
type: 'string',
default: function getTheDefault(): string {
return 'default';
Typescript gives the typing of the result `string | (() => stri…
I'm using TypeScript version 1.8.10 and trying to compile the example project, but I get the following error
`Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'adal' in C:\Projects\AzureAD\WebAppsCh5\W…
It's recommended to [store the TypeScript typings with the npm package](https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped#create-a-new-package) and it helps TypeScript developers have access to the t…
I use typescript in my project and it would be perfect to have type definitions for your library.
- __TypeScript version__: 2.5.2
- __Running TSLint via__: Visual Studio Code
#### TypeScript code being linted
## Search Terms
export library interface
## Suggestion
Right now Typescript declares it's libraries using `d.ts` (e.g. `lib.dom.d.ts`) so if you include this in your project you get the entir…
- `@testing-library/jest-dom` version:
- `node` version:
- `npm` (or `yarn`) version:
### Relevant code or config:
@testing-library/jest-dom` version:^5.16.5
Why does the content to be logged need to be of type `string | Error`?
I am used to log objects and get nice formatting from node/deno and I wish I could use `deno-debug` in a simular way.
Can't the…