When I try to export a deck from the tracker to the game it starts doing but then it tries to put 2 copies of each card in the deck even if it is only oncce in the deck and then it stops at 15/30 card…
I got a Malorne on my board from Sneed's.
Enemy BGH'ed it.
I drew it the next turn and HDT didn't recognize the Malorne.
Don't know if you need more information than this, I didn't screencap it, but s…
I've to this time only seen this with a paladin opponent ! And what I mean with reset is that the list on the lefthand side stays listed in the next game.
I tried to build your project on OS X (10.10.5) with QT Creator 3.5 and opencv 2.4.12 ([installed with HomeBrew](https://jjyap.wordpress.com/2014/05/24/installing-opencv-2-4-9-on-mac-osx-with-py…
love the application but there is one thing i don't know if i am missing an option or if it is supposed to be that way and that is sorting of cards in decklists.
as far as i remember at first i…
I can't be positive what I saw, but I have an arena deck with 4 truesilvers, and after playing two of them (4 charges) all four were shown as having been drawn even though two remained in my deck.
I've just installed the Deck Tracker and it seems to be working fine except for coloring the cards in my hand.
Whenever I'm about to draw a new one (actually, during the opponent's turn) I can see th…
As per title, since the last update every match is recorded in triplicate when I view the stats. (On looking into it further it seems its just when I select "Overall" & "Games" together).
I love the idea of this plugin which would help me ditch the spreadsheet I currently use to track my collections. Shame you cannot "load" the cards somehow from the game itself but I guess that …
pagem updated
9 years ago
My opponent played beneath the grounds and the tracker told me I was playing the wrong deck when I drew the ambush.