Enhancement: Please add support for oAuth
With Twitter deprecating Basic Auth, it would be great if you added oAuth
I know this is already planned for a future release but I wanted to g…
Enhancement: Please add support for oAuth
With Twitter deprecating Basic Auth, it would be great if you added oAuth
I know this is already planned for a future release but I wanted to g…
Importing tiled maps (www.mapeditor.org) should be nice speedup in
tile-based game development
Enhancement: Please add support for oAuth
With Twitter deprecating Basic Auth, it would be great if you added oAuth
I know this is already planned for a future release but I wanted to g…
Enhancement: Please add support for oAuth
With Twitter deprecating Basic Auth, it would be great if you added oAuth
I know this is already planned for a future release but I wanted to g…
Enhancement: Please add support for oAuth
With Twitter deprecating Basic Auth, it would be great if you added oAuth
I know this is already planned for a future release but I wanted to g…
I'm playing with the new (2D) Shader language and I found myself realy surprised to see that there was no loops or integers available..
Is it normal or is the feature just missing ? And if it is miss…
Android export dialog reprorts random noicy errors preveting pressing export button.
Export works perfectly fine with command line, but not ffrom dialog, which reports new crap each time.
It is beyoun…
Exporter bone filter option is not implemented. it is present in list of options,
you can check/uncheck it but it doesn't do anything.
The option name is use_exclude_ctrl_bones
This options hsould e…
Enhancement: Please add support for oAuth
With Twitter deprecating Basic Auth, it would be great if you added oAuth
I know this is already planned for a future release but I wanted to g…