I'm experimenting with elm-to-js as well (I guess you already know from twitter). I'm yet to switch to your union-types though:)
One thing that could be nice, taken that you/we are going down a functi…
Or perhaps rewrite this to be strictly promise-based only for a new major version bump?
I think I may have introduced this (partially) with https://github.com/substantial/sinon-stub-promise/pull/18 -- but it has more to do with how we store the thenable -- I think it was an issue before …
Although there is a nice example in the tests I think it would be nice to document that in the readme file as well. What do you think?
Currently, unhandled broken promises can lead to errors being swallowed.
However, we can't really add a standard behavior, because having that overwritten by a handler that's set later would be obs…
smarr updated
5 years ago
### Are you submitting a **bug report** or a **feature request**?
### What is the current behavior?
`asyncValidating` is set to false once the initial validation promise is complete even …
Migrated from [rt.perl.org#132326](https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl6/Ticket/Display.html?id=132326) (status was 'new')
Searchable as RT132326$
Migrated from [rt.perl.org#133057](https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl6/Ticket/Display.html?id=133057) (status was 'open')
Searchable as RT133057$
@maolion The new promise implementation does not return promise back to the native call.
The console doesn't print in success or failure.
this.tts.speak('Hello World').then(() =>
hi guys. maybe my problem is not an issue related to tedious promises. but what approach do i take to implement async await ini this library. thanks for any insight.