Hello. Many many times I observed cases of lost work in Jupyter Notebook.
I mostly work on Windows Server 2016 with latest updates/Chrome/Python of latest version, and use latest Anaconda (downloaded…
I have Jupyter Notebooks installed in my base environment. When creating/using separate environments, I use ipykernel to make them accessible as Jupyter kernels. I recently installed metview into an e…
Hi there,
Love your work really usefull, I have several jupyter notebooks that worj great render fine. Now I have some new ones that have issues with rendering the mathjax formulas. It seems the sp…
When getting warnings from nbqa-pylint, e.g. `notebook.ipynb:cell_XX:Y:Z: C0206: Consider iterating with .items() (consider-using-dict-items)`, the cell number does not refer to the same …
rabyj updated
1 month ago
I noticed that sometimes if the application run is interrupted (e.g. Ctrl-C'd), it leaves behind some of this processes (mpiexec.hydra, or python, etc). I discovered it while playing with a Singulari…
Hi there!
I have been looking for a library like this for a couple of years! And now I have found it! Thank you! So simple but so perfect.
I am teaching a Python course centered around Jupyter N…
### Applies To
- [X] Notebooks (.ipynb files)
- [x] Interactive Window and\/or Cell Scripts (.py files with \#%% markers)
### What happened?
After installing aggdraw in a conda environment via `con…
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' in python 3
I see the code is in python 2 as now a days all are using python 3 can you upload python 3 files
Hey Guys,
Seeing some strange behaviour in the notebook and I have no idea where to begin troubleshooting it. Note that notebooks aren't working, while the terminal is working fine with no issues, …
## Environment data
Version: 1.93.1 (system setup)
Commit: 38c31bc77e0dd6ae88a4e9cc93428cc27a56ba40
Date: 2024-09-11T17:20:05.685Z
Electron: 30.4.0
ElectronBuildId: 10073054
Chromium: 124.0.63…