Following up on https://github.com/ResonantGeoData/ResonantGeoData/issues/421#issuecomment-854073827
Would it be possible to have large image use separate TIFs to composite into a single RGB image?…
I am inferring a large model (~2 MB) on the ESP32 S3, and it takes about 60 seconds, while taking about 50 ms on my PC.
As the tensor arena seem to have to be about 5 MB to satisfy TF lite, …
I would like to use monocular camera with imu data. I do not want to use stereo cameras. Is there a way to use them without using third party SLAM algorithms.
And when using IMU data, what is t…
Certain operations in the shader generation do not account for the use of `half` in the NVIDIA Cg shading language.
Excerpt of a NVIDIA Cg shader generated with OpenColorIO 1.1.1:
Following an effort to export terreain from an FDS-LS simulation in qgis
> https://github.com/firetools/qgis2fds/issues/92
I moved forward and try to compute the ROS form the simulation using a…
I have encountered a minor issue while using your plugin. I noticed that when I try to change the color of underlined text, the color of the underline does not change accordingly. I expected the under…
Are there any works on RGB image / multimodal input? It seems pretty straightforward to implement, I might work on it if there is no prior on this.
in datasetLodaer.py:
train_dataset = DataGenerator(
data = ImageFileTrain(
We are trying to display our custom terrain / hillshade using RGB tiles. To do so, we went through the following procedure:
gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3857 -dstnodata None -novshiftgrid -co TILED=…
## bug 描述