Проаналізувавши сервіси, що мають можливість інтеграції перекладу тексту на веб-сайті або додатоку для зручного спілкування з користувачами. Розглянуто було такі сервіси: Google, poeditor, Amazon Tran…
Buna ziua,
In acest moment corectiile (de salariu, contract, date personale, etc) in aplicatia Revisal se fac direct in baza de date a ITM.
Prin fisiere XML, se transmit date la un moment dat, ca…
Debug LOG
06-26 22:01:29.190 4418-4418/? D/J4A: J4ALoader: OK: 'tv.danmaku.ijk.media.player.IjkMediaPlayer' loaded…
## ❓ Questions and Help
Thanks for releasing the mbart models! Referring to [#1758 ](https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq/issues/1758) I reproduced the same results, which is basically close to the r…
Ya edite Theme.sh de Pamela
# Set stalonetray config
set_stalonetray_config () {
sed -i "$HOME"/.config/bspwm/stalonetrayrc \
-e "s/background .*/background \"#1D1F28\"/" \
-e "s/ver…
In a recent meeting, the team discussed a followup analysis for interrogating the signature features. We have already performed at least one feature analysis that defines all of the bz signature featu…
I've looked at the code and the example, but I can't figure out how a multi-shutter scenario is supposed to be implemented.
Of course I'm free to do whatever I want using callbacks, but I'd like to…
I received the following messages during the update to 5.9.06 on openSUSE TW. After opening the application, it will close automatically if I leave in the background after about 5-15 seconds,…
I repeat the title question: Is it possible to use esp8266?
In order to insert the firmware into the wifi antenna supplied to the inverter.
[ă] nu returnează niciun rezultat. Se întâmplă din cauză că motorul de expresii regulate al lui MySQL (Percona) interpretează _ă_ ca două caractere, nu ca un caracter multibiyte.
Soluția este să înlo…