As mentioned in #3405
`w` should highlight the first letter of the next word. It doesn't.
In general the original character of the selection should always stay highlighted, usually the first ch…
`vim-mode` now publishes its editor state via a [service](https://github.com/atom/vim-mode/blob/74cead837678bc14b3f484bce03ded1cf2996afe/package.json#L23). It may be fruitful to create an object repre…
Just like eclipse navigate back and forward or vim ctrl-o and ctrl-i.
I've tried the vim mode. The ctrl-o and ctrl-i is not so good as real vim as it cannot jump between files.
### Problem
Since nvim 0.9.0 pasting from tmux cuts the content at around 16kB (it varies a bit by a couple of hundreds of bytes). Works in Vim, nano, older Neovims up to (including) 0.8.3. Broken …
For the most part, AIEdit works; but I found a problem in one case: if the cursor is on the c of "abc", using AIEdit on vi "will affect the entire line. I found that the following code is always 0 in …
I get this error anytime I use an snowflake buddy suggestion, in one particular .scss file. As far as I can tell the only unique thing about the file that throws the error is that it is 2600 lines.
# Problem
After toggling between insert and command mode in Vim (via iTerm. MacVim does not have this problem) for any `*.js` file, I get weird refreshing errors. The keys that I hit in command mode …
Vim cursor disappears while touching mono space in the editing mode after rendering.
- This is an example of `monospace`
- words surrounded by ` `` `
My own **guessing**:
- Other themes dont ren…
Hi @machakann ,
I am wondering if there is a way to insert pairs of surroundings in insert mode?
Like insert mode mapping on ``s and `` of vim-surround:
Atom : 1.14.4
Electron: 1.3.13
Chrome : 52.0.2743.82
Node : 6.5.0
vim-mode-plus version.
Latest one tested and confirmed.
When I use vim in terminal, `w` key could jump to full width …