Set up page, with the three circle pictures, and a header and I can edit text etc. later
## Description
Thank you for integrating doh into brave.
You could easily upgrade your current doh-integration with some small changes.
* please offer the doh-option in a more …
Is there a correlation between traffic peaks and the age distribution of the population in a specific area?
### Problem
The sequence of the field in the attribute table of the population analysis result, seems like disordered.
Transcript (?) of the working meeting? hehe
Reference all the changes here
**[ UUID ]** e83c71bc-e1f2-43b6-b32a-11242b5eb4fd
**[ Session Name ]** Learning art and programming at the same time
**[ Primary Space ]** Youth Zone
**[ Secondary Space ]** Open Innovation
**[ UUID ]** d9591d49-db0a-40ed-bfc6-508003f8bbe3
**[ Session Name ]** Dungeon, dragons and security
**[ Primary Space ]** Privacy and Security
**[ Secondary Space ]** Youth Zone
**[ Submitter's N…
Add new role for academic leaders which can update/view the years of school field of each Tao member.
Return Tao Members whose yearofSchool is not null if the user role is academic leader.
## Service details on the Facility Page - findtreatment.gov
## current state
- The data for services renders on the facility pages in different orders
### example 1
[Fort Thompson Service Un…