Required some detail about how sumologger calls are not impacting performance of any web application when page is open in browser. Does it use async api calls or web workers?
i don't want the autocomplete option. I don't spam the provider every 250ms.
So, my Question, if i set autoComplete: false, the search result if i press enter is not showing. If i press e…
# Game summary
- Game name: Treasure Park
- Game serial: PCSA00060
# Vita3K summary
- Version: v0.1
- Build number: 523
- Commit hash: https://github.com/vita3k/vita3k/commit/32e9a31
# Test…
I'm receiving lots of bounce back messages with the subject: Manage your Subscriptions.
It appears spam accounts are somehow signing up and activating these messages to send, but I don't know how.
BPO | [43936](https://bugs.python.org/issue43936)
--- | :---
Nosy | @pfmoore, @tjguk, @zware, @eryksun, @zooba, @barneygale
Files | [realpath_posixly.py](https://bugs.python.org/file49984/realpath_pos…
### Duplicate Issues
- [X] There are **no existing posts relating to my problem**
- [ ] There are **existing posts relating to my problem, but the solution given, doesn't work for me.**
### What hap…
My GMVault does not a backup of Trash & Spam folder ...
Do you know why?
Thank you,
[~] afew -t -a 1 ↵
Error opening /home/pazz/mail//home/pazz/Maildir/Sent/new/1345574901.M170094P32649Q1.brick:2,S: No such file or di…
### Description
510 rolls and 00000 arcana! You have to explain this, why don't I receive rare items in my account?
This is not a normal situation. Explain this to me!
I will write this everywhere,…
JSON Data:
"city":"江苏 南京 U.友(爱施德)",