:zap: **UPDATE** :zap:: A proposed solution is available in the latest 6.2 snapshot build. Please see [this comment](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/issues/13568#issuecomment-175991…
I took azul/zulu-openjdk:21-jdk-crac-latest and deployed it as a Docker mage on Lambda (see https://github.com/Vadym79/AWSLambdaJavaDockerImageWithCrac/tree/master/spring-crac-with-serverless-containe…
When updating from spring boot 3.2.8 to 3.2.11 an error started to show when I try to persist an object. I tried the 3.2.10 version and the error disapeared. It seems like a bug, since my code stopped…
![_ _20190120113349](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16317178/51434933-68825980-1ca7-11e9-9a26-5ce8517f3ed7.png)
mvn saturn:run -Dnamespace=www.abc.com -DexecutorName=exec01 -DV…
希望有skywalking链路追踪的集成demo, 有计划去支持这个吗?
// buildSrc/build.gradle.kts
plugins {
dependencies {
compile(plugin("org.foo") version "1.0")
compile(plugin("org.bar") version "2.3")
### Issue
When we pass the parameters, then the `iterative` mode is called
scaffold -t rest -g me.snowdrop -i fruit-demo -v 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT -s 2.1.2.RELEASE
? Create from template (y/N)
Version: Spring Cloud Version Finchley.RC1
Problem: Cannot override encrypted properties in the repository using plaintext properties locally with `spring.cloud.config.override-none=true` and clien…
Missing `container` label in metric `container_memory_working_set_bytes`:
I'm so interested in your library. But when I'm try example not work