### Array.from()
该方法用于将两类对象转为真正的数组:类似数组的对象(array-like object) 和可遍历(iterable)的对象
(包括 ES6 新增的数据结构 Set和Map).
let arrayLike = {
``` js
Just throwing it out there. Maybe, someone w/ much free time on their hands might do that. Incorporating fixes for all possible design issues and pull request… 🤔
Wondering if people would be receptive to using the new [ES6 import / export syntax](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) within forge, and then leverag…
It should also work `require()`
Do you have any version cut planed for ES6 support?
Hi Jaap et al.
My coworker points out that the generated code for a fragment file (at least) uses require to bring in @apollo/client but exports using es6 style.. This seems to be a problem for webpa…