TOTAL:4.65/5-Kian P.
Scrum Team GitHub pages (2 points)
- [x] Project Owner / Sponsor presentation(visuals like wireframes or HTML pages), results of rev…
## Total: 4.5/5
## Grader: Gavin
CB Create Task completed and documented on GH Pages - Prep to submit to CB on or before May, 2nd. (2 Points - Individual)
- [x] CB Create Task Coding requirements d…
### Score: 6/5, Grader: Yolanda Yang
Scrum Team GitHub pages (2 points)
- Project Owner / Sponsor presentation(visuals like wireframes or HTML pages), results of review, PII concerns, hosting plan…
## Total Score: 2.8/3
## Grader: Kamryn
## Team Score: 2/2
Scrum Team GitHub pages (2 points)
Project Owner / Sponsor presentation(visuals like wireframes or HTML pages), results of review, PII co…
### Highlights
Total score averaged 17/20
- [x] Runtime Links
- [Frontend](https://dylanluo05.github.io/DADY-Academy/templates/home)
- [Backend](https://frq.dtsivkovski.tk/)
- [x]…
Individual GitHub pages (3 points)
- [ ] GitHub page for Test Prep study, requiring 5.1, 5.2 notes and actions( See "GitHub pages actions" at the bottom of each TPT page on [cspcoders (Links to an …
Here is your feedback for Lab Report 5:
- [x] Provides correct description of how mismatch in outputs was identified
- [x] Correct markdown formatting.
- [x] Lab report is on its own page, not t…
# Week 2 5.8/5 points
- [x] Organize files, directories and menus for the first 3 weeks. [link](https://github.com/SlimeyTurtles/tri3AvinhHuynh)
- [x] Write Factorial function using classes, provi…
## Total Score: 4.9/5 (Graded by: Divyanshi Suri)
## Individual Score: 3/3
## Team Score: 1.9/2