The end goal of the fixer is to stop hardcoded icons existing and the best way to deal with that is to report them to the upstream developer. So far there are massive gaps where this hasn't been done …
## CVE-2021-22573 - High Severity Vulnerability
Vulnerable Library - google-oauth-client-1.21.0.jar
Google OAuth Client Library for Java. Functionality that works on all supported Java platforms,
## CVE-2020-7692 - High Severity Vulnerability
Vulnerable Library - google-oauth-client-1.21.0.jar
Google OAuth Client Library for Java. Functionality that works on all supported Java platforms,
The option `--follow-localhost-redirects` is for those that might want to explicitly *permit* HTTP redirects to localhost (I can't imagine many people use that, seems like a giant security hole) but t…
Vulnerable Library - spring-cloud-starter-4.0.3.jar
Path to dependency file: /pom.xml
Path to vulnerable library: /home/wss-scanner/.m2/repository/org/bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on/1.69/bcprov-jdk15o…
# Task Description: Cyber Security Dashboard
## Background
As a company dealing with sensitive data, it is crucial to keep track of our cyber security stats to ensure the safety and integrity of…
[short_descr]The pentester's swiss knife.[/short_descr]
Vulnerable Library - webmock-3.24.0.gem
Path to dependency file: /common/Gemfile.lock
Path to vulnerable library: /home/wss-scanner/.gem/ruby/3.2.0/cache/rexml-3.3.8.gem,/home/wss-scanner/.gem/ruby…
**Illium mobile wallet requirements**
1) Splash screen (Create wallet / Restore wallet)
2) Create wallet flow (option to backup seed)
3) Restore wallet flow (enter seed, sync chain)
4) Wallet over…
Issue description:
'get ingredients smart' opcode always seems to return zero (i.e. success) when using Storage Control Screen Module, even if the remote storage scanner system does not contain …